All Together Now

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All Together Now

    Just The Way You Are (My 1st Vision of Escaflowne Story)

    εїзPersona Butterflyεїз
    εїзPersona Butterflyεїз
    Head Admin

    Number of posts : 2303
    Age : 40
    Location : ♥Beside my gorgeous husband forever and forever♥
    Registration date : 2009-02-27

    Just The Way You Are (My 1st Vision of Escaflowne Story) Empty Just The Way You Are (My 1st Vision of Escaflowne Story)

    Post by εїзPersona Butterflyεїз Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:01 am

    Chapter 1
    Make A Choice

    Merle, Van, Hitomi and Allen are sitting around the backyard of the castle. Hitomi and Merle are sitting on either side of Van.
    "Who do you love more Hitomi or me?" Merle asked.
    "I love you both." Van answered.
    "Van Fanel you can't love both of us." Hitomi yelled.
    "Yeah Hitomi is right Van." Merle said.
    "You have to chose who you love more." Hitomi replied.
    "I need some time to think about this." Van said.
    Van walks off to a park near the castle. Allen lets a long sigh.
    "What's wrong Allen?" Hitomi asked.
    "I'm just thinking Hitomi." Allen answered in a rude tone.
    "You don't have to bit my head of Allen." Hitomi said.
    "I'm sorry Hitomi." Allen replied.
    Merle looks at Allen and then at Hitomi. Hitomi glares Merle.
    "What is your problem?" Merle asked.
    "Van is going to chose me because you're too young for him." Hitomi answered.
    "You don't know that for sure." Merle yelled.
    "Come Merle think about it you're 13 and Van is 16." Hitomi said.
    "What has that got to with it?" Merle asked.
    "Van is not going to go out with a girl that is four years younger than him." Hitomi answered.
    "We will just see about that Hitomi Kanzaki." Merle yelled.
    "Can you two please stop fighting?" Allen asked.
    "Yes we can." Hitomi and Merle answered together.
    Allen walks off to be alone.
    "What's wrong with Allen today?" Merle asked.
    "I don't know." Hitomi answered.
    Hitomi sits on the ground.
    "Van has been gone along time." Merle said.
    Hitomi looks at Merle.
    "Van has a big decision to make so he needs to be alone for awhile." Hitomi replied.
    Marlene walks over.
    "Have you two seen Allen?" Marlene asked.
    "Allen left a few minutes ago." Merle answered.
    Marlene walks off to find Allen.
    "I hope Marlene finds Allen." Hitomi replied.
    "Hitomi don't change the subject." Merle yelled.
    "Merle get over it because Van will never pick you." Hitomi screamed.
    "You don't know that for sure Hitomi." Merle yelled.
    "Yes, I do Merle." Hitomi screamed.
    "No, you don't." Merle yelled
    "Yes, I do." Hitomi screamed.
    Allen and Marlene walk over.
    "Alright Merle and Hitomi that's enough." Marlene said.
    Prince Chid suddenly appeared.
    "Hi auntie Marlene." Prince Chid replied.
    "Hiya Prince Chid." Marlene said.
    "Did Van get back yet?" Allen asked.
    "Nope, Van didn't back yet." Merle answered.
    Prince Chid sits on a bench.
    "Is Duke Fried really my father?" Prince Chid asked.
    "We have been over this a million times Chid and it will be the same answer every time." Marlene answered.
    "I've got a feeling that you're lying to me because Duke said I'm not his son." Prince Chid said.
    Marlene sighed.
    "Who is Prince Chid's real father?" Hitomi asked.
    "I'll tell you if you come with me and you promise not get mad at me." Marlene answered.
    Hitomi and Marlene walk off where nobody can hear them.
    "Are you going to tell me who Prince Chid's biological father is now?" Hitomi asked.
    "Prince Chid's biological father is Allen Schezar." Marlene answered.
    Hitomi stares at her sister.
    "My sister didn't want Allen to find out." Marlene replied.
    "What did you say to Hitomi" Allen asked.
    "I'd rather not discuss it right now." Marlene answered.
    Prince Chid hugs his aunt.
    "I want to go home now auntie." Prince Chid said.
    Marlene and Prince Chid walk off in the direction of their home.
    Van appears.
    "What took you so long?" Merle asked.
    "I told you that I need sometime to figure out who I love more." Van answered.
    "Whose it going to be Van?" Hitomi asked
    "I'll tell you a little later Hitomi." Van answered.
    "Why not now?" Merle asked.
    "I just don't want to Merle." Van answered.
    εїзPersona Butterflyεїз
    εїзPersona Butterflyεїз
    Head Admin

    Number of posts : 2303
    Age : 40
    Location : ♥Beside my gorgeous husband forever and forever♥
    Registration date : 2009-02-27

    Just The Way You Are (My 1st Vision of Escaflowne Story) Empty Re: Just The Way You Are (My 1st Vision of Escaflowne Story)

    Post by εїзPersona Butterflyεїз Sat Dec 29, 2012 6:01 am

    Chapter 2
    Who Van Truly Loves?

    It is now later on the day.
    “When are you planning to tell us who you choose Van?” Hitomi asked.
    “If I tell you will you two stop bugging me.” Van answered.
    “Yes, we will.” Hitomi and Merle said together.
    “Merle you are my friend but I’ve always loved Hitomi since the first time I saw her.” Van replied.
    “Does that mean you chose Hitomi over me?” Merle asked.
    “Yes it does Merle.” Van answered.
    Merle busts into tears and takes off to be alone.
    “Do you think someone should make sure that Merle is going to okay?” Allen asked.
    “No, right now Merle needs to be alone.” Marlene answered.
    All of a sudden Dilandau shows up.
    “What do you want Dilandau?” Van asked.
    “I want to know why you’re always one step ahead me it comes to everything.” Dilandau answered.
    “I’ve got Hitomi on my side that’s why.” Van said.
    “I’m taking Hitomi with me.” Dilandau replied.
    “Yeah right I’m not going to let you take Hitomi.” Van said.
    “How are you going to stop me?” Dilandau asked.
    Van takes out his sword.
    “This is how Dilandau.” Van answered.
    Van aims his sword at Dilandau. Dilandau jumps out of the way.
    “Ha….you can’t even hit me with the puny sword.” Dilandau said.
    “That’s what you think Dilandau.” Van yelled.
    Van swings the sword at Dilandau.
    “Owe….you cut me with that stupid sword.” Dilandau screamed.
    “That was the whole point.” Van said.
    “Hitomi, will be on my side if it’s the last thing I do.” Dilandau replied.
    Dilandau takes off.
    “I don’t know about Dilandau sometimes.” Allen said.
    “I’m with you on that Allen.” Van replied.
    Van pulls Hitomi into his arms and kisses her. Merle is watching from behind a tree and her eyes are still fill with tears.
    “I can’t believe Van chose Hitomi over me.” Merle thinks to herself.
    Merle starts to cry even more. Van and Hitomi are still kissing.
    “Alright you can stop now.” Allen yelled.
    Hitomi and Van stop kissing. Van holds Hitomi in his arms.
    Allen shakes his head.
    “What’s wrong Allen?” Marlene asked.
    “I’m just not in the mood to see Hitomi and Van be all lovey dovey.” Allen answered.
    Marlene hugs Allen.
    Van looks up at the sky.
    “What’s wrong with you Van?” Hitomi asked.
    “I just feel so bad for hurting Merle because she is my best friend.” Van answered.
    Merle appears and hugs Van tightly.
    “Van that was so sweet what he said.” Merle said.
    “It’s the truth Merle because you are my friend and you always will be.” Van replied.
    Allen, Marlene and Hitomi look at each other.
    “I better bet going now.” Marlene said.
    Allen hugs Marlene good-bye.
    Marlene goes back to her palace. Allen looks off into the distance.
    “What’s wrong now Allen?” Van asked.
    “I’ve just got a feeling that Marlene is hiding something from me.” Allen answered.
    “Marlene will tell you soon I’m sure of it.” Van said.
    Allen looks at Van.
    “Marlene started acting that after she talked with Hitomi the other day.” Allen replied.
    “It must have been something Marlene told Hitomi when they were talking early today”. Hitomi said.
    Allen nods his head.
    “I wonder what Marlene told Hitomi.” Allen replied.
    “The only to find would be to ask Marlene or Hitomi.” Merle said.
    Allen smiles a little.
    “It has something to with Prince Chid.” Allen replied.
    “What does Prince Chid have to with Marlene being mad?” Merle asked.
    “I don’t know but Marlene got mad after her and Marlene where you were talking to her.” Allen answered.
    “If I were you I’d take Merle’s advice and talk to Marlene about this.” Van said.
    Allen smiles again and walks off Marlene.
    “I hope Allen finds what is wrong with Marlene.” Merle replied.
    “Yeah me too.” Van said.
    Hitomi leans over and kisses Van.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:16 pm